Tuesday, October 14, 2008


by Leo Tolstoy

In "God See The Truth But Waits", a man is imprisoned after he is wrongfully accused of murder. This is a emotional story of acceptance and forgiveness -- acceptance of the failings of yourself and others and the strength to forgive even when understanding is beyond your grasp. All I could think about when I finished this story was something my late Aunt Cathy used to often say. "God always answers your prayers. It's just that sometimes the answer is 'no'."

Read "God Sees The Truth But Waits" here.

This review is also posted at Books 'n Border Collies


Meera said...

I loved your Aunt Cathy's comment! That is so apt and so common sensical!!! Tolstoy is one of my favorite authors I grew up reading.



Anonymous said...

I really love this story of Mr. Tolstoy. when I was in High School this was our topic on our subject LITERATURe. And after past 2 years i repeated to read this again for i know that i can understand well. the acceptance and forgiveness is lying ahead of us. thank you so much mr. Tolstoy for your contribution the the success of every reader, for the encouragement and a meaningful story u did. A great man!!!